Feel unsafe? Just Ask for Angela

Roger Varley, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

For anyone feeling unsafe in Uxbridge, just asking for Angela can provide immediate safety and assistance.

“Ask For Angela” is an initiative offered by the Loblaw corporation at all its related stores in Durham Region, including the local Zehrs store and Shoppers Drug Mart.

This simple request will signal to the store's staff that the person might be feeling unsafe and requiring help. The person will then be taken to a secure and private location in the store, where they will be offered connections to resources such as Safety Network Durham, which has partnered with Loblaw in providing the service. Safety Network Durham provides support to women and children experiencing gender-based violence.

Greg Niarchos, manager of Zehrs, said the program began in August and all members of his staff, male employees included, have received training. That training included a recent visit by a "mystery shopper" who tested the staff's response by asking for Angela. However, he noted there have not yet been any actual incidents.

Niarchos said in such circumstances, staff ask the person if they need assistance and, depending on the situation, either call police or offer assistance in accessing help lines and other social programs. When a person is taken to the safe area, a staff member stays with them at all times. He said the store manager is notified of all Angela requests. As an aside, Niarchos noted there is no one on staff named Angela, so there should be no confusion.

Niarchos said the Ask for Angela program is also starting up in other regions such as York and Peel.

The Ask for Angela campaign originally began in the United Kingdom in 2016 and has spread throughout Europe. Safety Network Durham aims to extend the reach of the program across Durham Region.

Riley Spigarelli, manager of Safety Network Durham, said Ask for Angela will be vital in providing women a safe place to access support, when and where they need it.

For more information on the program, visit askforangela.co.uk


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