Uxbridge residents receive King Charles medals
Roger Varley, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
A veritable Who's Who of Uxbridge residents were awarded the King Charles III Coronation Medal at a ceremony at the Uxbridge Historical Centre on Saturday afternoon.
Retiring Pickering-Uxbridge MP Jennifer O'Connell presented the medals to a dozen people who she said "have had a lasting impact on their community." As she presented the medals, O'Connell wore her own Coronation medal, presented to all sitting MPs.
MEDALS FIT FOR A KING - Several Uxbridge residents were presented with King Charles III Coronation Medals at a small ceremony on Saturday afternoon. Back row, from left: Gloria Eng, Dr. Michael Banh, Jim Williamson, Wynn Walters, Colleen Baskin, Lisha Van Nieuwenhove. Front row, from left: Mary Delaney, Sherrill Hodgson, MP Jennifer O’Connell, Alan Bainbridge, and Pat Higgins. Photo by Michelle Viney
Alan Bainbridge was recognized for his military and community service.
Dr. Michael Banh received his medal for his contributions to health and medicine and for his community service.
Colleen Baskin was honoured for her community service.
Mary Delaney, who fought against the Pickering airport for decades, earned the medal for her community service and philanthropy.
Gloria Eng, a long time member of the Uxbridge Legion and a hospital volunteer, was rewarded for her community service.
Norm Goodspeed, who was unable to attend, was honoured for his military service.
Pat Higgins, former owner of Uxbridge's Canadian Tire Store and originator of Huck Finn Youth Fishing Days, was recognized for his community service and philanthropy.
Sherrill Hodgson, another long-time Legion member and hospital volunteer, received the medal for military service and community service.
Lisha Van Nieuwenhove, publisher editor of the Uxbridge Cosmos newspaper, was recognized for her work in the arts, the media, and for community service.
Sculptor Wynn Walters, who has several sculptures displayed around the Township of Uxbridge, was presented the medal for his work in the arts.
Jim Williamson accepted his medal for his work on the hospital board and his community service.
Dr. Jennifer Wilson was also honoured for her philanthropic work, but was unable to attend the ceremony.
At the close of the ceremony, O'Connell became emotional and choked back tears as she noted that the ceremony was likely her last official act as MP. O'Connell was elected to Parliament as a Liberal in three elections, but decided against running in the upcoming election.
She said it was an honour to recognize the people she has worked for as her last official duty.