Fawns in ‘good spirits’ at the Fair tractor pull

Lisha Van Nieuwenhove

Ryan Fawns, a regular volunteer at the Uxbridge Fall Fair tractor pull, was a VIP on the sidelines last Friday night. Fawns, who was severely injured in a farm accident at the end of July, was released on a day pass to join his dad, Bill, wife Casie, and numerous well-wishers to attend the fair.

Fawns is currently undergoing rehabilitation at Lyndhurst Centre in Toronto, and according to Casie, it’s “going well.”

“He’s working on strengthening, his arm is still healing, and he’s learning how to move around in and transfer from the wheelchair,” explains Casie. “Now we’re working on renovations to be able to have Ryan come home. We’re just working on the basics - it will be temporary for us as we plan how to move forward to make the house liveable.”

Fawns plans on getting another day pass next weekend to attend an auction. On Saturday, Sept. 21, starting at 4 p.m., a live auction at the Uxbridge Sales Arena will raise funds for Ryan and his family. Items up for auction can be seen at theauctionadvertiser.com/GHill

In the meantime, Casie says Ryan is “looking forward to coming home to the farm. He misses his kiddos!”

Ryan and Casie Fawns attend the Uxbridge Fall Fair's Tractor Pull on Friday evening. Ryan was injured in a farming accident earlier this summer, and was released on a day pass from the rehabilitation centre where he's currently receiving treatment. Submitted by Casie Fawns


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