Popular mother swan perishes at Elgin Pond
Nancy Melcher
Mother "Meg" shows her young brood how to spread their wings and fly as father "Cooper" looks on, in 2022. Cosmos file photo
Uxbridge residents mourned the passing of one of its own last weekend when it learned that “Meg,” one of the adult swans on Elgin Pond, had passed away.
Those who live close to the pond speculate that, while flying low near the pond, “Meg” apparently struck some overhead powerlines. Her injuries were serious enough that she was not able to recover, and she died. Her body was discovered in the water two days after she went missing.
Uxbridge residents and visitors alike have enjoyed watching the swans gracefully swimming around Elgin Pond for the past several years. As trumpeter swans, their white plumage, long necks, huge wings, and distinctive trumpeting honks have thrilled townspeople and visitors alike, making them a real fixture here. This year, seven cygnets have grown under the watchful care of “NutMeg” (“Meg”), the mother, who was tagged by the Trumpeter Swan Society with the yellow identification marker R95, and the father, “Cooper.” Over the past three years this pair has hatched 15 cygnets.
“Meg” and “Cooper” were busy earlier this month training the cygnets how to fly. The youngsters still sport their grey plumage, with some white feathers now showing their maturing status.
While swans are loyal to their partner, it is possible that “Cooper” may take a second mate, should a suitable candidate try to take up residence here in the future.
To learn more about the swans and how they are tagged and tracked, visit trumpeterswansociety.org