Surveys & Santa - short council notes

Roger Varley, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Social services survey coming: Regional Councillor Bruce Garrod announced Tuesday that he is initiating a survey to determine what social services are available in Uxbridge and the region and what services local residents think are the most important.

Garrod said Karen Croxall is helping to launch the survey "within the faith community" next week, with a communications campaign to encourage community participation to follow. He said social services are the second biggest item in the regional budget and "it’s critical the right services are provided to those that need them."

Garrod said it is necessary to understand exactly what social services are available locally (and which are located in other municipalities) and determine the level of awareness within the community.

A sideshow for the Santa parade: There will be a little sideshow when the Santa Claus parade winds its way through the downtown core this year. Council approved a request by Scott Rutledge to close off a small portion of Church Street from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Nov. 16, in order to stage a Disney princess impersonators event featuring Elsa and Anna from the Disney film Frozen. Rutledge said the princesses will entertain children and be available for photos.


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