Uxbridge McDonald’s rocks McHappy Day

Lisha Van Nieuwenhove

Regional councillor Bruce Garrod and Jackie Macdonald both volunteered at the Uxbridge McDonald’s on McHappy Day 2024. Photo courtesy of 1-5.5HitsFM/Jacki Macdonald Facebook

Uxbridge diners know how to give in a McHappy way - their generous donations to McDonald’s on McHappy Day put the Uxbridge location in the top three fundraisers in the province for the popular event.

“Oh, it was hugely successful!” exclaimed Ginger Jackson, who co-owns both the Uxbridge and Port Perry McDonald’s franchises with her husband, Sandy. “We earned $52,000 from the two stores. Port Perry earned $20,000 and Uxbridge earned the rest!”

The 30th Canadian McHappy Day took place on May 10, and the cool, rainy weather apparently didn’t dampen the spirit of generosity. Across Canada, $8.9 million was raised; the money goes towards Ronald McDonald House Charities, providing essential services and supporting families staying at RMHC Houses and Family Rooms across Canada while their child is receiving medical treatment at a nearby hospital. This includes accommodations, food programming, mental health and wellness support, and more.

“We’re so blessed - these two communities are so amazing, just amazing. Each one has special stuff going on for them. Also, the teams, the staff in both stores - I give huge kudos to Courtney Livy (Uxbridge) and Emma Foster (Port Perry) for organizing McHappy Day for us!” says Jackson.

McHappy Day isn’t the only time the Uxbridge McDonald’s supports RMHC - 10 cents from every Happy Meal sold, five cents from every cookie sold, all the money in the coin box that is in the restaurant also go to RMHC.

“I’ve met people right here in Uxbridge who’ve used the (RHMC) house in the city, and they are always so incredibly thankful it’s there,” says Jackson.

“We’ve given quite a bit to four charities here,” explains Jackson. “Big Brothers and Big Sisters of North Durham, Precious Minds, RHMC and Jennifer Ashleigh Children’s Charity. I think because of COVID these charities need help, we need to help."


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