Council clips: smaller pieces of news from this month’s meeting

Roger Varley, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Uxbridge has entered into an agreement with Oak Valley Health (the Uxbridge Hospital) to lease part of the Fields of Uxbridge to the hospital for use as a helipad.

The helipad will be moved to the recreation area temporarily while the new hospital is under construction. It will be situated close to the old parking lot, well away from the skate park/pump park.

Photograph by Millie Pilkington 2024

What to do with a wetland?: Council discussed the possibility of transferring a 22-acre parcel of wetland to the province of Ontario to become part of the Uxbridge Urban provincial park. The wetland curves around the north and west sides of the Parratt Road industrial park.

Councillors insisted that assurances from the province be sought to protect the wetland, which would be transferred to the province for a nominal sum of $2.

No cause for concern for well owners: Council received a copy of correspondence from The Credit Valley-Toronto and Region, Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Committee to provincial cabinet ministers regarding the province's aim to end free well water testing. The letter said the organization is concerned about how residents using wells will be affected.

When asked about Uxbridge residents who use wells, Mayor Dave Barton said he expects to see changes to the province's proposed program in the coming months.

He said there is no cause for concern for Uxbridge residents.

Out with the old, in with the new: A new portrait has been added to the council chambers. Earlier this month, the official portrait of the late Queen Elizabeth II, which had been draped in black since her death almost two years ago, was taken down and replaced with the official portrait of King Charles III. The king's portrait shows him wearing a blue suit, standing in front of a desk.


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