Crosswalks, sidewalk coming to Centre Road

Roger Varley, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A report to council from Courtney Clarke, assistant public works director, has recommended that crosswalks on Centre Road, from Bolton Lane to Brock Street, be upgraded and a sidewalk be constructed along the east side of the road.

Clarke also recommended that radar-speed boards be installed around designated crossing areas to reduce vehicle speeds.

Her report, submitted to council during Tuesday’s council meeting, said existing pedestrian crossings at Centre Road/Symes Street/Young Street and at Centre Road/Maple Street be converted to Level 2 Type D crossings. Level 2 Type D pedestrian crossovers include the use of side-mounted regulatory signs, warning signs and pavement markings. Flashing beacons are not required for this type of crossover. One crosswalk could be upgraded to Level 2 Type C, which includes side-mounted regulatory signs, warning signs, pavement markings and rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs).

Safe Roads Engineering was hired last year to study a 750-metre segment of Centre Road, and a report was presented to council last December. But council wanted more information and clarification and the report was referred back to staff.

Clarke's report recommended that another study be done in one year to evaluate the results.


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